Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Magic Shifts Review

Author: Ilona Andrews
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Magic
Rating: 4.5 Stars

Let’s play who can be a better killer. My sword and I love this game.

Magic Shifts is the eighth novel in the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. I still cant believe she has published over eight amazing novels! Kate and Currans' story is endless and timeless and flawless. I just cant get enough! This series just gets better with every book and Magic Shifts is living proof of that. 

Pay attention to this moment. Look at the stars. Breathe in the cold air. This is your last night. These are the last breaths you will take.

What I would give to live in this world Ilona created! Atlanta is a city with a mixture of magic and technological elements that make it such an interesting place to live in. There are Vampires, the Pack, Ghouls, Witches, and other weird shit rooming within the city boarder! 

“Off your chain. So dangerous, Your Majesty.” He glanced at me. “You might be too scary to let into the house. I don’t know if I can risk falling asleep next to you, Unchained One. Who knows what would happen?”

Magic Shifts is a transition from the previous novels, especially Magic Breaks,allowing the reader to settle into the world again. It begins with a normal opening and goes downhill from there. This novel is EXPLOSIVE! Kate is once again put in the forefront of these mysterious events that begin occurring in Atlanta. However, the pressure is on as she has to juggle between saving Atlanta and yet not shinning a spotlight on herself. 

“You’re a fucking bitch, you know that?” Mac said. “I’ll have to live with myself.”

It shouldn't be a surprise that the characters are just as awesome, if not better, than they previously were! Kate and Curran grow both in their relationship and also individually. There are some characters introduced in this novel are just so enigmatic and different. Magic Shifts really does bring in a wave of uniqueness and diversity.   

“That’s what I love about you, Your Furriness. Your humility and modesty.” “Don’t forget my razor-sharp wit and boyish good looks.”

What I loved most about Magic Shifts was the fact that it didn't feel like just ONE episode out of a TV show. It was its own TV show with a mixture of twists and turns, up and downs, calm moments and pure kick ass storms. It was grittier, funnier and multilayered. The novel wasn't just trying to solve one mystery but various problems that simultaneously occurred. 

This was what happiness felt like.

I am in awe of this series as a whole. 

"Curran!” “Yes?” I could hear controlled laughter in his voice. Unbelievable. I sped up. “We’re tracking ghouls and you’re grabbing my butt.” “I always make sure to pay attention to important things.” “Sure you do.”

Find this novel on Amazon and Goodreads.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Breathing Fire Review

Author: Rebecca K. Lilley
Genre: Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy
Rating: 5 Stars

" Things have been too fucking calm lately.  I’m ready for a storm.”

Breathing Fire has been on my to-be-read for far too long. I curse at my previous self for never having the balls to read this. Breathing Fire is a great urban fantasy novel. It encompasses all the good attributes of the genre. We are introduced into a compelling society with magic and mischief. After reading Eragon, stories involving dragons and folklore have always interested me. Breathing Fire is a cup of fresh air in the Urban Fantasy department, continuously engaging the reader.

“Kinda?” “Yes, I have a plan, kinda-ish.” “Ish?” “Ish.  Worst-case scenario, I’ll have to go see Dom.  But I should have it under control.  Ish.” “Your confidence is inspiring-ish.”

The heretic sisters are two siblings who come from an infamous dragon line. Both sisters escaped in order to escape the brutality that is forced upon women with dragons. Being on the run for a few years leaves them apprehensive and anxious of the people around them. Especially the druids, the guards and watchers of the magical society. This all goes to hell when Jillian unintentionally falls in-love with the most powerful druid. And leaves him.

“But I suppose, in the dark, lying down, it’s all the same to you.”

Fast forward to the present, two druids enter jillian's book store  in order to retrieve their registration documents. The danger of being recorded on the public druid system is their exposure to the dragons they are running away from. In order to prevent this, Jillian takes some harsh measures to ensure that her dragon family will not find them. This means asking help from the one person who loved, now vehemently hates her... the highest ranked druid, the Arch. This is a crazy journey around Las Vegas filled with action, mischief and classic banter. 

The pain was sharp and enduring.    He was the only thing in my life I’d ever wanted badly enough that it made me shake like an addict.

Overall, I really enjoyed Breathing Fire. I wouldn't say it was my top urban fantasy novel ( that spot is saved for the Kate Daniels series) but it has the potential to be. I really loved Jillian; there is something about powerful, smart and driven women that makes a story more enriching. Yes, there were moments where I was pissed at her, but she remained a strong MC through out the whole novel. Her sarcastic, witty and cynical humour got to me and just made the reading experience that more vibrant. Not only that but the support characters were all complex and unique in their own way. It created a versatile world with enigmatic individuals. Excited to explore more of these character developments in the sequel. 

Sometimes you have to laugh in the face of the things that scare you about yourself, or the fear alone will drive you mad.

As I mentioned previously, the plot is fast paced and hectic, which I love! However, there were some plot developments that just didn't make sense (especially in the end). This didn't necessarily detract from the novel, just something a few readers have picked up. Hoping for more action and battle scenes in the sequel as those were written in a superb manner. 

“Right this way, Barbie and Ken,” Corbin said, heading resolutely towards the house.   “Okay, Buffy,” I murmured to his back.  He’d started the name calling, after all.   He stifled a laugh.  “Guess I asked for that,” he said, his voice pitched-low.    “That round went to Barbie,” Christian added, helpful as always.

I urge and beg you (yes, you!) to read Breathing Fire. It was an amazing and fun-as-hell reading experience!

“Damn you,” he said roughly, kissing me with all of his pent-up rage and anger.  “Damn me,” I agreed, when he finally came up for air.  The storm took us yet again.

Find Breathing Fire on Amazon and Goodreads!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Air Awakens Review

Author: Elise Kova
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Magic
Rating: 4 stars

When will you stop being afraid, read, and learn more about who you are?

Air Awakens by Elise Kova really did awaken something powerful in me. It awaken my passion and love for reading after a dark and uncertain time in my life. I don't know what it is about high fantasy that always has a substantial affect on me. People will tell me "magic isn't real, so why do you waste your time reading it?" and I reply, " I am so sorry for you because when I READ I get to feel magic, this whirlwind sensation, while you will never  will experience something like that". Some people are addicted to alcohol or drugs, I am wholeheartedly addicted to novels. This novel just reminded me of all the reasons people should fight to read and experience more. 

Vhalla wanted to feel special. She wanted to feel important. She wanted to feel she was special and important to the crown prince, of all people. But she only felt like an object.

Elise Kova creates an amazing world surrounded by magic, court games, love and friendship. Vhalla is a seventeen year old librarian apprentice who has been content with her life but always felt as though something was missing. She is on her way to becoming a prominent figure in the library due to her love for reading and knowing. The question is, is that enough? One night, tragedy strikes in the palace and a prince is rushed back from war with a bad injury at critical condition. All the librarians are brought together in order to find the cure for a certain poison. The anxiety and pressure get the best of Vhalla and she vehemently writes all the possible solutions to the cure. Her notes then form the catalyst to her new life. 

Something about it terrified her; something about it shamed her; something about it pushed her forward.

Vhalla imprinted her magic in those notes and basically announced herself as a sorcerer. This is not necessarily what she wants, but that doesn't mean she isn't intrigued by the individuals with the black robes and the emblem on their chests. Vhalla is particularly interested in crown prince Aldrik, who personifies darkness himself. ( Little side note,  Aldrik is slightly similiar in character to the Darkling in the Grisha Trilogy). As Vhalla delves deeper into the world of magic, she begins to face the realities of the world around her. Two paths emerge and Vhalla must decide what type of person she wants to be; one who is scared of the unknown due to ignorance or one who accepts the truth about and around herself. 

She simply saw someone who was lonely, someone who could likely count their friends on one hand, and perhaps wanted to one day use two hands.

Most readers will relate to Vhalla in some shape or form. She is, at times, the epitome of our insecurities. Just like us, she is afraid of change and possesses a lot of self doubt. What makes her character so rich is the development; watching Vhalla acknowledge her insecurities and own them ( or they will own you). Both princes are enigmatic and dynamic. This just makes you want to know more. The main characters were approached well but the way the author dealt with Vhalla's previous friends didn't feel right. Her friends could have become complex characters but remained static throughout the novel. 

“I’m simply learning where I’m meant to be.” It was the only response because it was the truth.

Air Awakens is the first novel from the series and acts as an introduction into the world. Due to this, there isn't a lot of the 'conventional' plot or action seen here. It is mostly the physiological exploration of the characters and the high court, preparing the reader for the sequel. It does its job. Well. I drank up this novel so fast I am surprised I didn't choke. It was THAT good. 

They were sending her to war, so she would go and become something they had every right to fear.

And in the words of Taylor Swift: " This (book) is sick!"

Find this novel on Amazon and Goodreads!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Darkest Minds Review

Author: Alexandra Bracken
Genre: Dystopian, YA, Romance
Rating: 3 stars

The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is one of the most original stories to come out in 2012. The boom of dystopian novels brought upon a series of similiar, if not same, novels in the genre with the same very obvious formula. It is a very acclaimed genre, however, the amount of unoriginal stories makes dystopia very tedious and repetitive. The true founders of dystopia are George Orwell with 1984 and Margaret Atwoods' The Handmaid's tale. These two novels revolutionised the literary world and set the standard for great dystopian and Post Apocalyptic novels. 

Alexandra Bracken might have broken the tedious cycle with the Darkest Minds. This was not romance placed in a futuristic world or a contemporary forced into the distinct genre. The creativity, passion and work from Bracken placed into this novel makes The Darkest Minds are household name. The world is meticulously dark and despondent. The societal values, rules and guides are authentic and genuine, making the story all that more believable and enjoyable. With these factors, Alexandra Bracken has created a work that reminds reader why they continue to read dystopian novels.

With that said, its time to get to the tough part. The Darkest Minds had everything I needed to love it, but this didn't occur. I liked and respected it but throughout the whole reading process I felt disconnect from the general plot as it lacked a goal or aim despite the great world building and writing style. The beginning of the novel was stellar; seeing the children camps from inside created an intense atmosphere that pulled you into the story. However, as the novel progressed and the main character distanced herself from the camps, the plot lost a lot of heat and halted my personal progress from liking to loving. Three fourths of the novel became a cat-and-chase road trip between 4 young teenagers. Slowly, the Darkest Minds loses its strength and dulls in comparison to the first few chapters. 

Ruby wasn't the strongest protagonist. This is not saying that all protagonists have to be instantly strong and brave, because that isn't realistic either. Ruby lacked major character development and the novel suffered from that. She is seen as a leech, first in the camp where her best friend takes punishment for her and on the road where Liam and the others sacrifice themselves to protect her.She is one of the most "powerful" users in the US and yet she refuses to use her power to better her own world. She cowers to danger and runs, figuratively and literally, from the problems in her society. Ruby wasn't the greatest of protagonists but she was kind, loyal, caring and funny at times. The supporting character really made this story phenomenal; I loved them all for all their quirks and all! 

Overall, this could have been a great novel and a game changer. It had a lot of potential but the execution was lacking . Please take into consideration that this is my personal comments and opinions. It might not be accurate an indicator of the novels value and merit! I truly believe a large amount of readers will and have enjoyed this series. Alexandra Bracken does really know her craft and I applaud her for her dedication and work drive.

Find The Darkest Minds on Goodreads, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

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