Author:Collen Hoover
Genre: New Adult, Romance, Contemporary
Rating: 5+stars
Dear Colleen Hoover,
I feel like writing my review in this manner would speak to you, to the readers who have had the pleasure of reading this gem, and also to everything the story is about. First of I would like to say thank you. It was so hard to read those pages and I am so sure it was 100% worse having to write it. I have read several of your novels and I have loved you for so long. You never fell short of entertaining me. However, reading It Ends with Us might as well have been reading a completely different author. You didn't try to make thisentertaining, no, you were trying to tell a story that isn't often heard.
"I feel like everyone fakes who they really are, when deep down we’re all equal amounts of screwed up. Some of us are just better at hiding it than others.”
I can't say I have ever gone through that in my life. I am still pretty young and naïve. Anyways, I have definitely heard about these situations. And I don't want to be a liar but I have definitely judged, as an outsider, in that situation. In It Ends with Us , I wasn't allowed to be objective, I wasn't allowed to sit on the side lines. With everything that happened with the plot, I swear I felt all the naked emotions. So when I was a mess of tears at some points in this novel (UHM, BASICALLY ALL OF IT), I realised unless I have truly lived through an event for myself, I had no reason or place to judge.
I am confident that the next sentence I am about to write has never been written or spoken aloud before. When he was wiping that cow shit on me, it was quite possibly the most turned-on I have ever been.
I connected so much with Lily Bloom . I wanted to be her. I didn't want to be her. I wanted to support/cheer her on. I wanted to berate her. Thats when I realised I cared so much for these people in It Ends with Us . I didn't (and still don't) see them as characters. I see them as real living people. People who have all struggled, who are still struggle and who will continue to. They go through their ups and downs and... just live you know? I think a lot of people need to do that. I found aspects in each "character" that I could relate to a friend, family member or acquaintance. It was quite eye opening and made me connect so much more with the novel.
"You warned me. You said one time with you wouldn’t be enough. You said you were like a drug. But you failed to tell me you were the most addictive kind.”
So not only was the characterisation superb, the plot was meticulously woven. Everything had a purpose and also everything had a time. So I honestly don't have any flaws to speak about. Even if there was, I. did. stop. me. from. loving. everything. about. this. Also now that I have read It Ends with Us , the Note from the Author is even more resonating. I suggest you all read that AFTER read this. It was beautifully written and beautifully honest, much like the novel. Maybe I should have waited a day or even a night before writing this review, but in honour of the honesty that is this novel, I wanted my feelings, emotions, reactions to be naked and raw.
Because I’ve been feeling like drowning lately, and sometimes people need a reminder that they just need to keep swimming.
If I could sum it up in a phrase it would be this, "It Ends with Us f***ed me." (This is as poetic as it gets.)
But no matter how different the substance of a love might be at different ages in a person’s life, I know that love still has to weigh the same.
So Colleen (I think we are at a first name basis after this novel) thank you writing this story.
Your most devoted reader and fan girl
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